Policy Library
All documents within the Otago Polytechnic Policy Library, whether referring to Otago Polytechnic, Otago Polytechnic Limited or Otago Polytechnic Business Division are covered by Te Pūkenga Policies and Te Pūkenga Transitioning (Grandparenting) Former Subsidiary and Business Division Policies.
Our policies and procedures provide staff/kaimahi, learners/ākonga, contractors, and visitors to Otago Polytechnic with clear and current policies and procedures for the management and administration of Colleges and Service Areas within an institutional context of devolved authority and responsibility.
All published policies and procedures are relevant and in effect, until such time they are reviewed, approved and replaced or rescinded.
The policy review schedule allows for the annual review of Financial, and Fees policies and for all others up to a maximum of every three (3) years, or as decreed by Otago Polytechnic.
To assist in your search for the relevant policy and procedure these have been listed alphabetically; each contains hyperlinks to reference/related documents.
Policies Committee
R - T
- Recognition of Prior Learning / Recognition of Prior Knowledge and Skills – OPBD Procedure
- Recruitment of Staff - OP Business Division Procedure
- Remuneration - OP Business Division Procedure
- Research and Study Release Policy
- Resolving Performance Problems
- Resolving Performance Problems SOP
- Results Process for Consultancy - OPBD Procedure
- Risk Management - OP Business Division Procedure
- Self-Assessment and Internal Evaluation
- Smokefree/Auahi Kore - Policy
- Staff Development
- Staff Development SOP
- Staff Excellence Awards
- Strategic Asset Management
- Student Body Staff Awards
- Support for Staff to Undertake Postgraduate Studies SOP
- Te Kawa Maiorooro 2024 (Version 3)
- Te Pūkenga a link to all nationally adopted policies, procedures and frameworks
- Travel on Otago Polytechnic Business